This is our Archive of all published Mousebear web material.
Click on stuff. Or don’t. These are merely cynical musings of two cautiously handsome Schadenfreudes and their “friends.” That’s right, we are bitterly or sneeringly distrustful, contemptuous, or pessimistic.
Welcome to our accumulation of visual and auditory historical records organized over the lifetime of Mousebear Comedy. These comics have been selected for permanent or long-term preservation on grounds of their enduring personal value and are here for your enjoyment.
Mousebear Comedy is just a couple dudes. A couple of dude hiding behind an anthropomorphic mouse and bear. A couple of dude hiding behind an anthropomorphic mouse and bear in order to purge our shadow.
If you enjoyed our ARCHIVE then be sure to also check out our News & Blog. Listen to our Mousebear Music. We also write reviews for erotic novels at Cliterature Reviews.