The More You Know

The Loads You Blow
The More You Know

Those The More You Know commercials were a staple of my childhood. There’s nothing I’d like to see more than Paul Reiser or Craig T. Nelson giving a PSA about the grammatical nuances of “cum” versus “come” because I firmly believe there is (or at the very least should) be a difference between the spelling of the two words. It ultimately doesn’t matter since it’s all slang anyway, but my desire – no, obsession – with categorizing and labeling everything so that they each fit into a nice little box always gets in the way of that.

“Cum” should definitely be a noun — it has the short “u” pronunciation and when you look at it, it just LOOKS like a goofy word. Cum is inherently goofy. It looks weird and it’s all warm and stuff.

“Come” should remain a verb — because it’s already an established verb to begin with. It simply makes perfect sense. If it ain’t broke, then don’t fix it, right?

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