
Plunderful is one of the few pieces that remain of an unproduced play I wrote called “Pirates v. Ninjas.” I wrote it for a contact who ran the late-night division of his local community theater but by the time I completed the play, the relationship between my contact and the theater dissolved.

The story followed a modern-day pirater of media (music, movies etc) who is sentenced on a reality show called Time-Court and his punishment is to be sent back to the time of his pirate ancestors. He joins a ragtag group of pirates on a ship led by Captain Colorbeard, among others (including a resident pirate ghost).  Unbeknownst to our hero, the pirates are in a war with their mortal enemies the Ninjas. I think the rest sort of writes itselt.

I’ve certainly been mining the script for jokes or lines that can turned into comics. So, there’s a good chance at more pirate-themed jokes similar to “Plunderful” turning up on mousebearcomedy in the future.

See Also
Nerfocalypse Now